Freelancer Community Network

Fury Turret

Price14'300 $
Hull Damage88
Shield Damage44
Energy Usage26
Rate of Fire5.88
Hull Damage/s517.65
Shield Damage/s258.82
Energy Usage/s152.94
Range750 m
Projectile Speed750 m/s
Weapon TypePhoton
Buying LocationsFreeport 9 (Omicron Theta, E4)*
Freeport 6 (Tau-29, D6)*
Freeport 10 (Tau-37, F4)*
Freeport 5 (Omega 41, E5)*
Freeport 2 (Bering, F5)*
Freeport 1 (Omega 3, C4)*

* Can only be bought with a sufficiently positive reputation