Freelancer Community Network

Trenton Outpost

Trenton Outpost

Trenton Outpost is home to Universal Shipping, one of the Big Three family of Liberty companies that also includes Ageira Technologies and Deep Space Engineering. Universal Shipping made its fortune by gambling on shipping silver from California to Colorado for use in terraforming Los Angeles, long before Jump Gates and Trade Lanes reduced the risk of transporting goods over such long distances. Universal then cemented its reputation as the premiere Liberty shipping company in 181 A.S. by signing a contract to handle all shipping between Ageira Technologies facilities and Deep Space Engineering construction sites.

SystemNew York
OwnerUniversal Shipping
Commodities for saleBasic Alloy55 $
Boron77 $
Food Rations25 $
Jump Gate / Trade Lane Parts90 $
Light Arms77 $
Super Alloy83 $
Superconductors64 $
Ships for saleNone