Freelancer Community Network

Adv. Stunpulse

Price1'650 $
Hull Damage6
Shield Damage190
Energy Usage11
Rate of Fire4
Hull Damage/s24
Shield Damage/s760
Energy Usage/s44
Range600 m
Projectile Speed750 m/s
Weapon TypePulse
Buying LocationsSouthampton Shipyard (New London, D3)*
Waterloo Station (New London, D6)*
Canterbury Station (New London, F4)*
Thames Outpost (New London, D6)*
Kensington Shipping Platform (New London, F4)*
Birmingham Station (Manchester, D4)*
Cambridge Research Station (Cambridge, D6)*
Planet Leeds (Leeds, E6)*
Stokes Mining Station (Leeds, F4)*
Glasgow Outpost (Leeds, F2)*
LD-14 (Leeds, D3)*
Graves Station (Dublin, E6)*
Luxury Liner Shetland (Edinburgh, E3)*
Perth Station (Edinburgh, E5)*
Rugen Station (Omega 3, F6)*
Douglas Station (Omega 3, D6)*
Elbich Mining Facility (Omega 7, F5)*
Briesen Mining Facility (Omega 7, E3)*
Solarius Station (Omega 11, C3)*
Helgoland Station (Sigma 13, D6)*
Planet Kurile (Sigma 17, F5)*
Atka Research Station (Sigma 17, D4)*
Luxury Liner Hawaii (Sigma 19, E6)*
Tau-31 Gate Construction Site (Tau-23, C7)*
Nago Station (Tau-29, F5)*
Shinkaku Station (Tau-29, C5)*
Planet Harris (Tau-31, B4)*
Pacifica Base (Bering, C5)*
Barrow Base (Hudson, F3)*
Mactan Base (Magellan, C4)*
Planet CuraƧao (Cortez, D3)*
Ames Research Station (Kepler, D4)*
Yokohama Shipyard (New Tokyo, E3)*
Roppongi Station (New Tokyo, D6)*
Shinagawa Station (New Tokyo, F5)*
Shinjuku Station (New Tokyo, C5)*
Tsushima Depot (Kyushu, D3)*
Kagoshima Depot (Kyushu, G4)*
Osaka Storage Facility (Honshu, D6)*
Yukawa Shipyard (Honshu, C4)*
Aomori Station (Honshu, G4)*
Ainu Depot (Hokkaido, C6)*
Chugoku Gate Construction Site (Hokkaido, D3)*
Kyoto Base (Chugoku, E5)*
Trenton Outpost (New York, C4)*
Newark Station (New York, C4)*
Detroit Munitions (New York, B4)*
Baltimore Shipyard (New York, E2)*
California Minor (California, E6)*
Pueblo Station (Colorado, C5)*
The Ring (New Berlin, F5)*
Bonn Station (New Berlin, C5)*
Dortmund Station (New Berlin, D3)*
Essen Station (New Berlin, D3)*
Alster Shipyard (Hamburg, F5)*
Altona Station (Hamburg, F4)*
Planet Baden Baden (Stuttgart, E6)*
Freiburg Station (Stuttgart, C3)*
Planet Holstein (Frankfurt, D4)*
Mainz Storage Facility (Frankfurt, D4)*
Mannheim Station (Frankfurt, C5)*
Leipzig Station (Dresden, C6)*
Bautzen Station (Dresden, F4)*
Planet Toledo (Omicron Minor, E4)*
Planet Alexandria (Omicron Major 2, E5)*
Sierra Nevada (Omicron Major, D5)*
Cairo (Omicron Lambda, E3)*
Menes (Omicron Lambda, C4)*
Sinai (Omicron Lambda, D2)*
OS Djoser (Omicron Lambda, E3)*

* Can only be bought with a sufficiently positive reputation